2020 Kingsley & Kate Tufts Finalists

The 2020 Kingsley & Kate Tufts Poetry Awards judging panel—Timothy Donnelly, Sandy Solomon, Khadijah Queen, Meghan O’Rourke, and Luis Rodriguez—met last weekend to conclude their finalist deliberations, and we are thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2020 Kingsley & Kate Tufts Poetry Awards:
The Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award is given annually for a book by a poet in mid-career. Finalists for 2020 are:
Monica Ferrell, You Darling Thing (Four Way Books)
Ilya Kaminsky, Deaf Republic (Graywolf Press)
Ariana Reines, A Sand Book (Tin House Books)
Natalie Scenters-Zapico, Lima :: Limón (Copper Canyon Press)
Brian Teare, Doomstead Days (Nightboat Books)
The Kate Tufts Discovery Award is given annually for a first book by a poet of genuine promise. Finalists for 2020 are:
Tiana Clark, I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood (University of Pittsburg Press)
Ángel García, Teeth Never Sleep (University of Arkansas Press)
Valencia Robin, Ridiculous Light (Persea Books)
Ashley Toliver, Spectra (Coffee House Press)
Emily Jungmin Yoon, A Cruelty Special to Our Species (Ecco/Harper Collins)
You can read CGU’s press release here. Stay tuned: we’ will be announcing the 2020 Kingsley & Kate Tufts Poetry Award winners in late February.